Monday, October 28, 2013

The name and logo choice!

The business idea was done, so now we needed a name. That sounds like the easy part! I already had a name picked out: “Sweet B”, but on our first meeting with Blackstone Launchpad they suggested we do some research on names to see what was out there first. Turned out that the name “Sweet B” was already taken, so we had to come up with another name – how disappointing!

Broken hearted, we did some brainstorming with the team but nothing was as satisfying to us as the name “Sweet B”.  I had to get over that name and accept the fact that I had to have another name for the business. “Yummy B”, “Yum B”, “Bite B”, “Sweet Bite”, and some other names came in mind but not catchy enough.   We finally came up with the name “Doce Brigadeiro” !! In order to use "Doce B" to facilitate the pronunciation for the English speaking customers, and then since the business plan includes having a shop in the long-run with coffee and some other Brazilian goodies, we added "Shop"to it.

The name was finally picked out, now we had to have a logo.  Something that would somehow represent Brazil with the colors green and yellow and also give the customers the impression that it was food related.

I am the type of person that doesn’t sleep very well when I have too much going on or am too excited about something. So guess what happened? A couple sleepless nights, waking up in the middle of the night with ideas. So I left a paper and pen on my nightstand so I could write it down and/or draw whatever I had in mind.

And that’s what I came up with! I know – don’t judge! I was never good at drawing but it helped me sleep better!!

Marina took on the responsibility of doing the logos.  She has a MacBook and the perfect program for this project.   She came up with really good and cute ideas.

That was the first logo idea she sent me.

 I liked it - but she still wanted to work on it more. Obviously there were still room for improvement. So she kept working on it, and came up with the ones we will be using today. J

Tcharam!!! Here are they!!! 
I particularly LOVE them!  What about you?


  1. Love it, too! Nice to see how your worked through the process!

  2. Awesome logo! It really stands out as unique and inviting, like your candies and chocolates. Great insights on how the name and logo evolved, it shows the human side of the brand and your creativity.
